“Isn’t it time for another one???”

A big part of my anxiety is my thoughts about the future. They’re not necessarily negative thoughts but they can become obsessive, incessant, overwhelming and take over my ability to “live in the now”. I’m a planner, I like to know “what’s next”. I can cope with change so long as I know what that change is and I can plan for it!  (…)

Do what makes you happy!

It sounds so simple doesn’t it; “Do what makes you happy”, yet sometimes it seems like the hardest thing in the world!! Whether it’s being able to find the time, financial constraints, childcare issues or simply being too tired to bother – there’s always something that stops us. (…)

U ok hun?!

I’ve been pretty bored with what I’ve seen in the mirror lately. As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve felt lost and out of touch with who I am. Like my identity has been on a sabbatical since growing a human. Whilst I’ve been working on building my confidence in myself as a mother, I’ve neglected to look at my personal self-worth and confidence. (…)

Revival post – one year on!

It’s been just over a year since I last wrote a blog on here which looking back feels like a million years ago yet also like it’s passed in the blink of an eye!

I feel like writing again but it’s coming from a different place – a more organic and honest place where I just need to get my thoughts down somewhere to help quieten down the hive of thoughts that are in my mind. Somehow getting things down on “paper” just helps to make sense of things doesn’t it? (…)